Transformational Healing
Astrology is the study of the energy of the Galaxy as it relates to you.
When we witness a natal chart, what we're looking at is your energetic baby picture - a snapshot of the Galactic energy at the precise moment YOU came into being in this 3D world.
Your natal chart energies show us your tendencies, your inclinations, your probabilities. Most natal chart conversations start with the nodding of the head and end up with big A-HA! moments as those deep inner truths are revealed.
Transit checks are helpful as you trace the cycles of your current incarnation along the way. If you know what sort of energetic boosts, opportunities or challenges are coming toward you, the surfing can become easier.
Compatibility charts allow you to find the easements and frictions between you and another person. These compatibility charts aren't limited to romantic involvements! Every relationship in your life has compatible and challenging know is to be more able to navigate toward the Highest & Best, always.
Children's natal chart readings are an exceptional way to gain some insight into a child's tendencies. Working WITH a child's energy creates so much more room for a positive parenting experience. This is a great reading for your new baby OR a great baby gift for a loved one!
Astrocartography allows you to understand what sort of experience you may have in a specific location on our planet. If you're looking to plan a vacation, move, or go away to school, this is a great way to understand how it might FEEL once you get there!
Astrology offers a peek INward and UPward... a specific kind of energetic resonance that has been informing us all since the beginning of all things...